Regina Zwilling

Hi! I’m thrilled you want to work with me. I offer a personalized nutrition consultation service to help you create the daily nutritional habits, tailored to your specific needs, that form the foundation of a lifetime of great health and energy.

To get started, kindly check my Calendar Link to schedule a discovery call.

Everyone’s needs are different, therefore every program is different. There are however some general recommendations that are the same for everyone.

1. You won’t get results if you don’t follow the plan. Every program is personalized to ensure you get the best results possible – but you will need to make some necessary changes to reap the benefits.

2. I need open, honest and complete answers on the questionnaire to offer you the best program I can.

3. Everybody’s healing journey is different. Illness and disease can take years, even decades, to manifest. Your body will need time to heal, and it will do on its own time frame. The process can’t be rushed.

4. Many factors affect your health, energy and well-being. In your personalized plan, I will offer suggestions to get enough movement, improve your sleep, reduce exposure to toxins and more. The more you can implement the suggestions, the greater and likely more quickly you will be able to see results.

5. Change can be uncomfortable at first. I am dedicated to helping you change your habits to ones that empower you to be your best and most energetic self. You are investing in your health and it will take a commitment of both time and money. You will also likely need to make some permanent changes in different aspects of your lifestyle. I’m here to help.

How it works:

I will email you a comprehensive questionnaire. Once you complete it, I will go through it and write a personalized, detailed report that covers all aspects of nutrition for your individual needs.

In addition to the report, you get two half-hour consultations with me (by phone, in-person or Skype, depending on your location) as follow ups to answer questions about the report, and/or after you have worked with the recommendations for a while to further customize the program for you based on your experience with it.

The cost for this service is $167.

If you want to find out if we are a good fit to work together, let’s talk about how I can help you. Here’s my calendar link to schedule a discovery call.

If you prefer to contact me via email, please go to my contact page or email me directly at and I will be in touch very soon.