Giving thanks on Thanksgiving, and a gift for you!

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

Thank you to each and every one of you for being part of my tribe. I am so grateful for your support, comments, questions, inspiration and wisdom. I learn so much from you and love sharing this journey of abundant health and energy with you. Thank you. 

To show my gratitude, I am offering a free week of my ecourse “6 Weeks to Abundant Energy”.

Click here to get free access to the entire first week. The price is going up in January, so if you are ready to feel your best ever grab it now for only $97! 

Here’s another simple Thanksgiving gift you can use anytime of day throughout the year. It’s an appreciation exercise that has surprisingly powerful health benefits:

3-Part Gratitude Exercise

Heart Focus: Focus your attention on your heart area, and breathe in and out through the nose: in for 5 seconds and out for 5 seconds.

Heart Breathing: Imagine breathing through your heart. Picture yourself slowly breathing in and out through your heart area. Feel, sense or see your heart energy expanding on the inhale and gently pulling back in on the exhale, like ocean waves on a calm day. 

Heart Feeling: Feel an elevated or positive feeling as you maintain your heart focus and breathing. Recall a time you felt loved and connected, and re-experience the feeling in as much color and detail as you can. It might be a special place in nature or the love you feel for a dear friend, relative or treasured pet. The key is to focus on something you truly appreciate. Breathe into the feeling to expand it and make it stronger and brighter. 

Take a moment to notice how you feel. Do you feel calmer, more peaceful, more relaxed? 

Want to go even deeper? Try incorporating gratitude into your daily life in these simple ways:


1. Gratitude Breaks: Take a few gratitude breaks each day – first thing in the morning to set the tone for your day, before your evening meal and right before bed, for example. Just follow the Heart Focus, Heart Breathing and Heart Feeling techniques outlined above. With a little practice you will be able to shift into a place of gratitude in just a few short moments, helping you achieve mental, emotional and physical balance.
2. Gratitude List: Write out a list of things you appreciate – people, places, activities, pets – and choose one or two each morning to hold in your heart during the day. Choose an item again at night to hold in your heart while you rest.
3. Gratitude in the Moment: Keep your Gratitude List with you in an easily accessible location. In stressful moments, choose an item that can quickly evoke gratitude. It can bring you back to center in 30 seconds or less. You can also set your phone alarm a few times throughout the day to remind you to choose one item from your gratitude list and focus on the feeling of gratitude and love it gives you. 

These simple techniques can give you a powerful sense of calm and well being. I hope they add richness and peace to your life.
