Fabulous Fermentation: The Many Benefits and Types of Kefir

Kefir is a traditionally cultured dairy product that is one of the most probiotic-rich foods known. Kefir has anti-cancer properties, and benefits immunity, digestion, skin and more! 

Join me to learn how to make homemade kefir! I’m teaching a live class on how to make dairy, water and coconut kefir on Thursday 8/29 at 5:30 pm. Learn more and register HERE

The many benefits of dairy kefir:

1. Boosts Immunity. Kefir contains compounds and nutrients, like biotin and folate, that help kick your immune system into gear and protect your cells. It has a large amount and diversity of probiotics, the “good” bacteria. One in particular that’s specific to kefir is called Lactobacillus Kefiri. This bacterial strain increases immune function and helps defend against harmful bacteria like salmonella and E. Coli. 

Kefir also contains another powerful compound found only in this probiotic drink. Kefiran is an insoluble polysaccharide that’s been shown to be antimicrobial and helps reduce candida. Kefiran also shows the ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.     

2. Builds Bone Strength. Osteoporosis is a major concern for many people. While calcium gets a lot of press for being essential to help prevent osteoporosis, the truth is that calcium alone, especially in supplemental form, is not enough to prevent this devastating disease.

(Click HERE to learn more about the dangers of taking supplemental Calcium.)

Dairy kefir has ample amounts of calcium. More importantly, kefir contains bioactive compounds that help absorb calcium into the body and stop bone degeneration. Kefir also contains vitamin K2, which has been shown to be vital in improving bone health and density. Vitamin K2 enhances calcium absorption. 

The probiotics in kefir improve nutrient absorption. The dairy itself contains all of the most important nutrients for improving bone density, including phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin K2.                                                                                      

3. Potentially Fights Cancer. Kefir plays an important anti-carcinogenic role inside the body. It can slow the growth of early tumors and their enzymatic conversions from non-carcinogenic to carcinogenic   


Digestive and skin benefits, too!

4. Supports Digestion and Combats IBS. Dairy Kefir helps restore gut bacteria balance and fights against gastrointestinal diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s and ulcers. Drinking kefir, loaded with probiotics, also helps your gut after taking antibiotics. The probiotic compounds help restore the lost flora that fight against pathogens. The probiotics also protect against disruptive diarrhea and other gastrointestinal side effects caused by these types of medications.                       

5. Improves Allergies. Various forms of allergies and asthma are linked to inflammatory issues in the body. The live microorganisms present in kefir help promote the immune system to naturally suppress allergic reactions and aid in changing the body’s response to the systemic outbreak points for allergies. 
6. Heals Skin. An imbalanced gut (known as dysbiosis) sends signals to your skin that disrupt its natural balance. This causes problems like acne, psoriasis, rashes and eczema. Kefir helps bring good bacteria back to the forefront and level out the homeostasis for your largest organ, the skin.                                                                                 
7. Improves Lactose Intolerance Symptoms. The good bacteria found in many dairy products is essential for a healthy gut and body. However, many people cannot tolerate dairy because they have an adverse reaction to digesting lactose, the key milk sugar that’s active when it’s digested. The active ingredient in kefir helps break lactose down into lactic acid, making it easier to digest.

Furthermore, kefir has a larger range of bacterial strains and nutrients, some only specific to kefir, that help remove almost all of the lactose in the dairy.    

Homemade kefir for the win


The homemade version is easy to make and far outweighs store-bought kefir in terms of health benefits. Store-bought kefir often contains added sugars and does not contain the diversity and abundance of beneficial bacteria and yeast that homemade kefir boasts.

Kefir is made from starter “grains”, otherwise known as a SCOBY. A SCOBY is a “symbiotic combination of bacteria and yeast”. Scientifically speaking, kefir grains contain a complex microbial symbiotic mixture of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in a polysaccharide–protein matrix.

These organisms interact with the milk to produce a fermented product that even most lactose-intolerant individuals can drink. (Yeast often gets a bad rap because Candida can cause yeast infections. However Candida itself is not a problem unless there is an overall imbalance or disbiosis in the gut, and there are many beneficial yeast strains as well.)

Types of kefir


Kefir can be made from cow, sheep, goat or coconut milk. Dairy kefir contains between 20-35 strains of beneficial bacteria and yeasts. It also contains high levels of vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K2, biotin, folate, enzymes and probiotics.

If you are using raw, whole milk from pastured cows, you are also getting significant amounts of vitamins A & D, as well as the essential fatty acid Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). CLA has numerous health benefits of its own, including that it helps regulate a healthy metabolism, may prevent cancer, and boosts the immune system.

Goat’s milk is one of the original ways to make kefir. I highly recommend goat’s milk, which is naturally homogenized and contains less casein than cow’s milk. Goat’s milk is also easier to digest even before the fermentation process begins.

It will result in a thinner kefir than cow’s milk. Any milk that’s ultra-pasteurized, or UHT milk, will not work to make kefir.

How to make dairy kefir:

1. Place the grains in a clear glass quart jar. For every 2 cups of milk, put in 2 tablespoons
of grains.
2. Cover the jar with a coffee filter or cloth, and secure with a rubber band.
3. Place the jar out of direct light in a room-temperature place.
4. Leave to ferment for 1–3 days depending on the level of fermentation and sourness you prefer. Temperature also factors into the fermentation. A cooler climate will take longer to ferment so adjust accordingly. A shorter fermentation leads to a more mild flavor, and the longer it goes, the zestier it will be. Experiment to find what you like best.
5. Strain the kefir using a plastic strainer, catching the kefir in a cup or container.
Immediately place the grains in a new batch of milk to start over.

Use coconut milk to make a dairy-free version. The same process is same as above, simply substitute coconut milk in place of the cow or goat milk. Easy! 

What is Water Kefir?

Like traditional dairy kefir, water kefir is made from “grains” of bacteria and yeast, also commonly known as a SCOBY. As the name implies, it is made from water. The water needs a source of carbohydrates to feed the SCOBY, usually from sugar or fruit juice. Water kefir made from coconut water is particularly rich in potassium and enzymes. The SCOBY produces a lightly fizzy beverage that is low in sugars and contains many beneficial probiotics.

Water kefir does not contain most of the vitamins and minerals found in dairy kefir, but it does contain some enzymes and probiotics. It contains between 10-15 strains of beneficial bacteria.

When a secondary fermentation with fruit juice is added to the first fermentation, the result is a delicious, low-sugar fizzy beverage that is delicious, hydrating and good-for-you too! As we head into summertime, water kefir is a huge hit at my house. My kids love a refreshing, cold glass of fizzy water kefir on a hot day. 

How to make water kefir (about 1 quart):

1. Put ¼ cup organic raw sugar, or organic brown sugar, into a jar and add 2 cups hot water.
Stir well to dissolve the sugar.
2. Add ¼ cup water kefir grains.
3. Fill the jar the rest of the way with water.
4. Cover with a coffee filter or cheesecloth and secure with a rubber band. Leave at room temperature for 1-3 days. Temperature will affect the speed of fermentation. A lower temp will take more time to ferment.
5. Strain the water kefir through a plastic strainer, and go back to #1.

For a secondary fermentation:

1. Add about ¾ cup of your favorite organic fruit juice to the freshly-strained water kefir. Put
both in a quart jar with a tight fitting lid, or a bottle with a swing top if you have it
2. Leave on the counter for another 24-48 hours.
3. Put in the fridge to chill.
4. Enjoy!

To make coconut water kefir:

1. Put ¼ cup water kefir grains in a clear glass quart jar. Add a quart of coconut water.
2. Let it ferment for 1-3 days, depending on temperature and desired level of sourness.
3. Strain the coconut water kefir through a plastic strainer, and go back to #1 to make more
Water kefir grains can be used interchangeably with plain filtered water and sugar, and coconut water.

Pro Tips:

  • Always be sure to use filtered water to remove any chlorine. Chlorine can kill the yeast and bacteria that are working so hard to ferment your beverages for you!
  • Adding a few drops of liquid minerals to your first step fermentation can keep your grains vigorous and active. They are living organisms that need minerals to thrive. Dairy kefir does not need this addition because there are plenty of vitamins and minerals in the milk, regardless of the type.

To Your Abundant Health and Energy!
