Emotions and your energy: helping or hurting?

We humans are magnificently complex beings. Our energy, our health, our state of being are influenced by countless factors. Nutrition, sleep, stress management and regular movement are the foundation of long-term vibrant health and energy.  In this post I focus on an often-overlooked aspect of our health and energy: E-motions. We can think of E-motions as Energy in motion. So what energy are you putting in motion on a regular basis?

Emotions as Energy

Sluggishness, lethargy, heaviness, exhaustion; we have all experienced these bodily states. They are also emotional states, most often associated with sadness, grief, despair, hopelessness, depression, shame, fear… the list goes on. They are low energy, low vibration, low frequency states of being. They don’t feel good. That is why most of us prefer not to feel them for very long. Unfortunately, many of us experience these difficult states far longer than necessary. We have simply not been given effective tools to move through them.

We tend to associate high energy body states of excitement, enthusiasm, and exhilaration with E-motions such as love, joy, gratitude and wonder. I think we can all agree that these high-energy states of being feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. They also lead to a greater sense of health and well-being. And of course, most of us will say those are the body states and E-motions we want to experience on a regular basis. The good news is, we can instill habits that will help us get there on a regular basis.

Emotional Set Point

We all experience a wide range of E-motions, that’s one of the beautiful things about being human. But we also have a “set-point”, if you will, of where we most often tend to reside on the emotional continuum. Is your “set-point” at the higher end or the lower end of the continuum? No matter where you consider yourself to be at this moment, you can move yourself in a higher energy direction, if you want.

Just as we get to choose what we nourish our bodies with in terms of food and movement (movement is nutrition too), we also get to choose what we nourish our minds, spirits and emotions with. As David Hawkins, an author who has written several books on spirituality and human consciousness, said: “The only way to enhance one’s [energy] in the world is by increasing one’s integrity, understanding, and capacity for compassion.” Which maybe sounds lovely, but how do we accomplish this lofty goal?

Choosing Emotions

We start by choosing the E-motions that uplift us and give us more energy, rather than dragging us down. Wait, what? Can we really choose our E-motions? Or are we just at the whim and mercy of whatever we happen to be feeling in any given moment? You can absolutely choose what you focus on, emotions and thoughts alike.

You can absolutely empower yourself to feel better, experience greater happiness, and have better health and energy than you may have been told before.

In next week’s post I will dive deep into a few simple steps you can take to start shifting your E-motions to more empowering, vibrant choices.

If you are ready to create the daily habits that will lead to abundant health and energy, check out my new e-course, “6 Weeks to Abundant Energy”. Through it you will learn what to eat, how and when to move your body, and the lifestyle and mindset habits that will create the life of energy and enthusiasm you deserve!
